

What is a stethoscope?

The stethoscope is an instrument used for auscultation, or listening to sounds produced by the body. It is used primarily to listen to the lungs, hearts, and intestinal tract. It is also used to listen to blood flow in peripheral vessels and the heart sounds of developing fetuses in pregnant women. A stethoscope is used to detect and study heart, lung stomach, and other sounds in adult humans, human fetuses, and animals. Using a stethoscope, the listener can hear normal and abnormal respiratory, cardiac, pleurali arterial, venous, uterine, fetal and intestinal sounds.

How does a stethoscope work?

A stethoscope enhances body sounds and transmits those sounds to our ears,” explained Dr. Balaravi. A typical model has a flat, round chest piece covered by a thin, tightly stretched skin of plastic called a diaphragm. The diaphragm vibrates when sound occurs. These high-frequency sounds travel up the hollow plastic tubing into hollow metal earpieces and to the doctor’s ears.



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